Season 7: Episode 4 - An Easter Assist The Sports Reverends: Unapologetic Faith & Hot Sports Takes In our show we share about the similiarities of sports and faith, and how sports has made a massive impact in our Christian journey. Join us as we discuss hot news in the professional major sports leagues (NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, and some FOOTY!), and discuss the culture of sports and how our faith...
Season 7 - Episode 3: Pressure Creates Diamonds Home of our: Unapologetic Faith and Hot Sports Takes! In this episode we talk about the high pressure life of sports. The lessons you learn about handling pressure, will help you in your daily walk with God! Pressure creates diamonds, fire refines the gold. We dive into Olympic Basketball, NBA JAM, and March Madness Hoop...
Season 7: Episode 2 Eyes on the Prize This show we share about our: 'UNAPOLOGETIC FAITH & HOT SPORTS TAKES' In this episode we got NBA TALK as teams are ramping up for the PLAYOFFS! We got NFL TALK as teams are spending in FREE AGENCY! The whole conversation is centered around keeping YOUR EYES ON THE PRIZE! Make sure to drop a comment, like, and subscribe!
The Sports Reverends - Season 7: Episode 1- How to Become a Success This episode we take a look at the NFL and NBA and how we are witnessing more teams and players being unprepared. There is great importance in preparing for sports, life, and faith. In this video you will learn how to improve in this area, and you will learn the key to success!!! Make sure you...