37 - Three-Word Challenge & A Special Announcement
Polar Life ConsultingJune 11, 202400:03:34

37 - Three-Word Challenge & A Special Announcement

This week I share a challenge & have an announcement.

If you would like to join us for future LIVE podcast events, learn more at: 

PolarLifeConsulting.com/live (http://polarlifeconsulting.com/live)

Links mentioned during the episode (and other helpful links on this topic):

No Longer Ashamed podcast (https://open.spotify.com/show/6bPyZ12fRRk5iEARupKi8A) (links to Spotify)

**Trigger Warning/Explicit Content Warning** - we will talk openly and frankly about sexual abuse from the victims perspective. Sometimes cursing may be used, but kept at a minimum. Please practice self-care while listening to episodes and feel free to pause if you become triggered while listening. 

Let me know what you think of the podcast with a rating and a review.

Husband Material (“HM”; faith based ministry helping men find freedom from pornography and other sexual brokenness issues) FREE - https://www.husbandmaterial.com/

Info on Joining Husband Materials Academy (https://www.husbandmaterial.com/academy) (“HMA”; Paid)

Learn more about Husband Material's CSA Survivor Fellowship (led by Mike) and the PLC Chat on WhatsApp at https://www.polarlifeconsulting.com/live-chat

Website on my Recovery Life Coaching (now including Brainspotting Sessions): ⁠https://www.PolarLifeConsulting.com/⁠ (https://www.polarlifeconsulting.com/)

Schedule a free 30-minute Coaching Intro call: ⁠https://calendly.com/polarlifeconsulting/intro-call⁠

Mike’s Story: ⁠https://www.PolarLifeConsulting.com/about (https://www.polarlifeconsulting.com/about)