Lisabeth Rebney || Ask About My Faith
Ask About My FaithNovember 29, 202300:00:24

Lisabeth Rebney || Ask About My Faith

God calls us to “Go.” You can go to a nation across the sea or go to your neighbor down the street. God places no limitations or restrictions. He simply commands that you go.
Our most recent guest on the Ask About My Faith podcast, Lisabeth Rebney, joins us for a lovely conversation about how God has moved in and through her life. 
Lisabeth grew up in a Christian home, attending church with her family her entire life. Even though her faith and belief in God never wavered, it wasn’t until college that her relationship with God became personal. God gripped her heart and instilled a deep love for His word and a longing to display her love for Him. 

Listen to the AAMF Podcast!