We Are All Called
In my very bumpy ride through this Christian life, I’ve come to a point where, whenever I face a question, situation, or challenge, I pray and run to the Bible for clarity. The devotions I write , in many ways, are a written narrative to the biblical answers I’ve found to the questions I pose in my life—answers I hope will bless others as they navigate their own journeys.
Recently, new ministry opportunities have come my way—opportunities I never imagined myself stepping into and which I have no formal training. When approached, my immediate thoughts were, “How can I possibly fit more into my already packed schedule?” I’m helping about 10 churches with their media needs through my AV ministry, struggling to stay consistent with doing my devotions 7 days a week, working to build and grow my Christian Podcast network (ministry), focusing on spending quality time with my family, and managing my growing business. It’s a lot… and the list goes on!
Even as I write this, I’m reminded that I’ve been trying to handle too much in my own strength. (Please pray for me…lol.)
Proverbs 3:5-6
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”
This devotion stems from my latest question : “Are we all called to preach, minister, and share the gospel?” The answer I’ve found isn’t just for me—it’s a challenge and encouragement for all of us to step into the roles GOD has prepared for us, knowing that His strength will sustain us and His grace will equip us. GOD doesn’t always call the equipped—He equips the called. When God calls you, He will provide the grace, wisdom, and ability you need.
Imagine you’re on a sinking boat, and you know exactly where the life jackets are stored. Would you sit quietly and hope someone finds them on their own, or would you lead everyone to the location and yell at the top of your lungs, “Grab a life jacket!”? You wouldn’t worry about whether you had the right training or if your voice cracked when you shouted. You’d do your best to save everyone because you know its the right thing to do and how much is at stake.
That’s what being a Christian is like. You’ve been given the truth that leads to eternal life, and Jesus has called you to share it with others. It’s not about being perfect or having all the answers; it’s about being willing to point others to the One who can save them. Jesus didn’t just give this mission to pastors, missionaries, or people with theology degrees. He gave it to everyone who follows Him. Whether you’re an introvert, extrovert, or somewhere in between, you are called to share the gospel.
What If You Don’t Feel Qualified?
You’re not alone if you feel unworthy or ill-equipped. Many biblical heroes felt the same way:
Moses argued that he wasn’t a good speaker (Exodus 4:10).
Gideon saw himself as the least of the least (Judges 6:15).
Jeremiah thought he was too young (Jeremiah 1:6-7).
But God reminded each of them (and reminds us) that He doesn’t call the qualified—He qualifies the called. It’s not about your ability; it’s about your availability.
Our Voices Matter
GOD is our ultimate coach, and when He calls you into the game, He equips you for the task:
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13).
“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light” (1 Peter 2:9).
The gospel is not a message we can afford to keep to ourselves. It’s like knowing there’s a cure for a deadly disease and not telling everyone.
Ways to Answer the Call
Start with Prayer: Ask God to open doors for you to share His love and to give you courage when the opportunity arises (Colossians 4:3).
Live Your Faith: People are watching how you live. Let your actions reflect Christ (Matthew 5:16).
Share Your Story: You don’t need a theology degree to share what God has done in your life. Your testimony is powerful (Revelation 12:11).
Be Ready to Encourage: Offer biblical wisdom and encouragement to those who are struggling. Sometimes a kind word or scripture it all you need
God Uses Ordinary People
Many of the disciples were fishermen—not scholars, not public speakers, not theologians. Yet, through them, GOD changed the world.
In Acts people were amazed at the boldness of Peter and John because they were “unschooled and considered ordinary men.” But the key was that they had been with Jesus. And we have that same privilege today through prayer, study, and a relationship with Him.
Sharing the gospel isn’t about perfection; it’s about obedience. The world is filled with people searching for hope, truth, and meaning. The answer they’re looking for is in Jesus Christ.
GOD doesn’t need perfect people, just willing ones.
Let's Pray. Dear Heavenly Father We humbly acknowledge our limitations and confess that we often try to do things in our own strength. Help us to rely fully on You, trusting in Your wisdom and power to guide us in the opportunities You place before us. Give us the courage to step out in faith when You call, even when we feel unprepared or overwhelmed. Remind us that You equip those You call, and that Your grace is sufficient for every task. May we always rely on the power of Your Spirit to guide our words and actions.in Jesus precious Amen.